Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The team has been working hard, traveling all over the pacific, visiting three other islands in the last week of March.

The citizens of American Samoa were very kind and accommodating as two boats with crews and our Maritime Law Enforcement detachment spent a week there. While in Samoa, the team was able to enhance security measures in Pago Pago Harbor and educate the boating community.

Within a few days after returning, the Maritime Law Enforcement detachment flew to Guam to work for a week. While en route, the team had an overnight stay on the beautiful island of Kwajalein. Kwajalein is a U.S. military base that was acquired during World War II.

The citizens of Guam, similar to American Samoa, were accommodating and very friendly. The team hopes for continued missions and support to the many pacific islands and appreciates the accommodations and logistics received by the local agencies that worked alongside.


Last September, the MSST MLE/FP team and dive team were fortunate to participate in an engagement that took place in the Republic of Korea (ROK).
Each year, as a member of the North Pacific Coast Guard Forum, the United States Coast Guard sends a 378 foot cutter to the far east in order to participate in an engagement and enforcement patrol with some of our allied countries. As pictured below, the Coast Guard Cutter Munro moored in Busan, Korea. Prior to Munro arriving, our MLE/FP team and dive team inspected the pier and provided security. Upon CGC Munro’s arrival, our MLE/FP team provided round the clock security alongside the Korean Coast Guard’s Sea Special Attack Team (SSAT). During the security phase, several scenarios were drawn up in order for the two teams to react and work together. The following day, the Korean Coast Guard challenged the U.S. Coast Guard to a friendly soccer game where the Korean’s won in sudden death overtime. Overall, the engagement was a huge success as senior representatives of the ROK Coast Guard would like to send a team to the U.S. in the near future.
All pictures above were taken by GMC Carl Shipley.


Welcome to Maritime Safety & Security Team Honolulu's first blog site.  Check here periodically for pictures, stories and information on our accomplishments.  Enjoy!